+ Exotic Kashmir 07 Nights / 08 Days+ Discover Kashmir 04 Nights / 05 Days + Glorious Kashmir + Fabulous Kashmir + Glimps of Kashmir + Innovative Kashmir + Enchanting Kashmir |
The valley of Kashmir is also known as “paradise on earth”- It’s truly a paradise for leisure, adventure, pilgrimage, honeymoon, and golfing. A destination for Tourists of all ages throughout the year is situated in the extreme north of India. Kashmir is known all over the world as “ The Paradise On Earth”. Kashmir has four distinct seasons, each with its own peculiar character and distinctive charm. These are spring, summer, autumn, and winter. Spring, which extends roughly from March to early May, is when a million blossoms carpet the ground. The weather during this time can be gloriously pleasant at 23oC or chilly and windy at 6o C. This is the season when Srinagar experiences rains, but the showers are brief. ► read more..◄ |